Monday, June 2, 2014

Table for One

Another challenging day in the ol' duck pond.

Alex is really feeling the transition from the structured school routine into the less structured summer routine. Yes, we have a schedule for summer, but it's not as defined as his schedule during the school year, so it takes him weeks to adjust.

I wanted to take the kids back to the zoo today, but Alex didn't want to go anywhere because he thought it might rain (it was kind of cloudy).  We compromised, and decided to visit the library and grab some ice cream before heading to his speech and occupational therapy appointments.

He loves the library, and who doesn't enjoy a good ice cream treat, so I thought we'd have a great afternoon.  It was, for the most part, but my kids have learned the art of screwing around in the car, with the thought that Mom can't do anything about it because she's driving.


I can not stand to hear screaming kids in the car.  It's nonsense.  It's not safe.  It makes me crazy.  Yet they continue to do it.  I've stopped the car, taken away privileges, yanked electronic devices out of their sticky little hands, but I have yet to find the magic solution to their minivan shenanigans.

So, imagine the headache I had when we finally got home this evening, after hearing them yell, laugh, scream, and fight in the car in between all of our destinations today.  It was ridiculous.  I escorted them inside, said hello to my husband, and then said goodbye as I walked out the door to go have dinner, by myself.

I had a lovely meal at Pei Wei, dining quietly and uninterrupted, and even read a couple chapters in a book that I'm really enjoying but have a hard time squeezing into my schedule.  It was glorious.

And now, I'm back home, the headache down to a dull roar.  The laundry needs some attention and the dishwasher needs unloaded, and I'm certain there is something I could be doing for Team Alex, but I'm going upstairs to take in another couple chapters of my book.

Here's hoping for a more peaceful Tuesday.


  1. That dinner for one sounds heavenly. I love Pei Wei!

    Minivan shenanigans = Minivanigans? Or that could be a great name for a new kids band.
