Friday, May 2, 2014

Weekend Anticipation

Friday.  Finally.  I mean, seriously, finalllllly.

It wasn't a bad week, just very busy, and I'm ready for a break.  With a late Easter, and a very early start of summer break (the kids only have 15 school days left!), I feel like we're cramming eight weeks of activity into four.  It's exhausting.

But, I think it's funny that I regard the weekend as a "break".  Welcome to May, where there is at least one activity already on the calendar for every single day.  Weekends are no different.  Tomorrow, we have Alex's first baseball game of the season, a birthday party, a fairy garden workshop (that's just a girls' activity while the boys are at the birthday party), Al's music lesson, and then Mark and I are getting out for the rare date night.  Sunday is Alex's first Special Olympics track meet, and if we're still standing by that afternoon, we're hoping to get some yard work accomplished.

I need a glass of wine just thinking about it (sadly, I ate all my WW points for today, so the wine will have to wait, ha!!).

I'm really not complaining; my kids are happy and enjoying all their activities, and it makes me happy that we can accommodate such a fun schedule for all of them.  It just amazes me that this month will speed by as quickly as April did.

It will be July 4th before we know it...which is just the spring board into Birthday Palooza.  Time really does fly...

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