Sunday, May 11, 2014

Mother's Day

Mother's Day: a special day to reflect on how fortunate I truly am to have these three wild kiddos.

We started our day like any week, by going to church, but today my mom joined us.  It was nice to have her there with us, and we were able to snag some great pictures.  Our day proceeded just as any Sunday does when my husband works; I did chores around the house and watched the kids play outside.

When my husband arrived home, though, I was spoiled with more gifts (my kids all made lovely gifts or wrote notes to me at school), and we headed out to dinner.  Having worked several years in the restaurant industry in high school and college, I know that Mother's Day is a cuh-razy day to eat out.  We went anyway.

I was initially stressed about going, as the kids' "listening ears" had been tossed out of the window early on in the day, but I'm glad we went (the two margaritas I enjoyed helped, too, ha!).  My favorite parts of dinner? When I offered Alex some of my steamed broccoli, and he instead fed me a piece, then put his head on my shoulder and I thought we had a really sweet moment going on.  Then, he looked up at me with his big, blue eyes and said "I farted!"  I mean, who doesn't laugh at that one, margarita or not?!?

Later, Andrew spied a mural at the restaurant which features a beloved local figure, and asked "Is that Jungle Jack Hanna?!?" Indeed, it was Jack Hanna in the mural, but Alex got all excited and shot up in his seat, asking "Where is Pastor Anna?!?  Mr Carrot?" I hated to break it to him that Pastor Anna and Mr Garrett weren't there at the restaurant (Garrett will probably forever be lovingly known as Mr Carrot as far as Al is concerned), and as much as I hated to disappoint Alex, I realized again (for the second time today!) how blessed we are to be surrounded by a church family that so carefully looks after our kids.

Even now as the kids are totally milking a thunder storm (they are all camped out on the couch, as if the storm will last for days), I'm reminded how lucky I am to be their mom.  They drive me crazy on a daily basis, give me gray hairs, and trash my house, but I don't know where I'd be without them.  They are my sunshine, my shining stars, and my little monkeys.  I am so proud of them, and so happy they made me a mommy.

Happy Mother's Day to all the women in my life who have inspired me to be a better mom and treat my children as their own.  I truly could not rule this duck pond without you.  ;)

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