Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Craptastic Wonderland

It was a trying day.  I noticed that many of my Facebook friends were also experiencing awful days. Something in the universe must be off.

Here's a rundown of my lovely day:

6:40am  - Hit snooze for the first time.

7:15am  - At that point, I had crossed over the "I'll just snooze for a minute" zone into "Damnit, now I'm gonna be late and everyone should freak out" zone.

8:22am  - Herd two kids onto a school bus, just moments after nearly hogtying my eldest in order to get a bandaid on his wrist because he somehow managed to cut himself on the swingset (he does not care for bandaids).  Fortunately, I was able to throw a clean shirt into his bag in case the school frowns upon blood stained clothing at school (apparently, they do, because he came home wearing Shirt #2). Hey, the kids didn't miss the bus, so there's that.

9:10am - I was early for preschool drop off!  This turned into premature hope that today would turn around and become a stellar Wednesday. Those hopes were soon crushed.

9:24am - Ran into the grocery store to pick up a box of Zebra Cakes for the preschool snack on Thursday (they are studying Z this week, of course).  To my dismay, the section of the shelf devoted to Zebra Cakes was totally empty.  Cleaned out.  I asked at the service desk if there was a secret stash somewhere other than that shelf, but learned that they won't get a delivery of the cakes until Thursday afternoon.  Super.

9:41am - Arrived back at home to finish getting ready for the day.  Because Andrew's class hosted a Mother's Day Tea this morning, I went into work late, and therefore had some extra time.  I hurried, though, so I would have time to make a stop at another grocery store to search for Zebra Cakes.

10:08am - Arrived at second grocery store, only to find that their shelves were depleted of the stupid Zebra Cakes, too.  Seriously, wtf?  Why does everyone want all the Zebra Cakes?!?  All of the other snack cakes were fully stocked.  Curious, indeed.

10:25am - Arrived back at school for a super cute program hosted by a sweet group of adorable preschoolers.  I received several darling gifts from Andrew, which I will keep and admire forever.  I should note that I am a severe pack rat and truly mean it when I say "forever".  I should also note that this part of my day was completely exempt from the "Craptastic" status.

11:45am - Made it in to my office, later than I anticipated, but I was ready to jump on my task list. Obviously, this ambition made it a perfect day for my computer to take 15 minutes to perform a system update, therefore throwing me even more off schedule for my abbreviated work day.

3:04pm - Went tearing out of my office, to pick up Alex from school for speech therapy, only to remember that the van's gas light was on.  Ugh!  If I didn't stop for gas, then we'd be walking home later.  I also discovered that my car charger no longer works, and my phone was nearly dead.  Fun!

3:30pm- Picked up Alex, and suffered through a 12 minute tantrum because I forgot his freaking Goldfish for an afternoon snack.  I finally convinced him that a giant chocolate chip cookie from Starbucks would taste way better.  At least he didn't ask for Zebra Cakes.

4:22pm - Arrived at Al's speech therapy appointment (early, again, in the same day!), and had a short while to do some reading (not leisurely reading, but more like homework).

6:03pm - After sitting in traffic for slightly over an hour, we made it home.  Rush hour traffic can suck it.

Once I was home, the day (finally!) started to improve a bit.  My mom found the Zebra Cakes and sent them home with Andrew this afternoon (big points for Nana!).  The kids put on a big outdoor dance production after dinner, which was cool by itself (it's finally warm enough to sit outside, hooray!), but the dog chose to take a big poop right in the background of their performance...while Mark was recording it.  We couldn't help but laugh.  Gross, but funny.  It's almost bedtime, which means I finally get quiet time to enjoy without being disturbed (that is, if the Maisey stops barking at the birds and other dogs outside).

Maybe the key to having a bad day is to sit down and list out all the bad things that happened, like I did here?  After reading it, I realize that none of it is truly "bad", but just kind of irritating; some of it is even funny (or perhaps that's just my witty personality shining through...sure, let's go with that).  Plus, it did help me appreciate the good things about my day even more that I might have if things had been uneventful.

Whatever the answer is, I'm hoping to not spend another day in Craptastic Wonderland tomorrow.  I wish the same for you, too.

1 comment:

  1. Zebra cakes. Who knew? I'm going to stock up and sell them on the black market!

    Hope today is WAY better. :)
