Tuesday, February 18, 2014


I don't know why, but I've always found that jumping out and scaring the daylights out of someone is very, very funny.  It's so immature, but one of my favorite things to do is hide around the corner and wait for my husband, or one of the kids, to go walking by so I can surprise them.  The reactions are priceless, and then I just laugh and laugh.

It makes me giggle right now, thinking of all the times I've scared the crap out of my husband; he's the most fun to get, because he typically has a big reaction.  The kids are just as fun, but then they immediately want revenge, and we spend the rest of the day hiding in closets to scare each other.

Alex's new favorite show is America's Funniest Home Videos, and we watch it every night. Tonight there was a segment where someone was scared while they were sleeping.  So. Stinking. Funny.  It reminded me of the time when Mark was startled awake by a chirping smoke alarm; he thought that Alex (a baby at the time) was in distress, and he shot straight up in the air out of bed and pulled the Fred Flintstone running-in-place bit.  When he finally took off, he hit his toe on the foot board, fell, and then ran into the door before making it out to Al's room to check on him.  After I quit laughing at him, we discovered he had really hurt himself; turned out, he broke his toe when he hit it on the bed.  (Seriously, I am so evil, because I almost pee myself just remembering this!)  If only I'd known that would all happen...we could have recorded it and cashed in on AFV!!

Of course, Mark would like everyone to know about the numerous times I've woken up, thinking that we were either being attacked by bombs or that spiders were crawling on me.  Funny, but definitely no where near as funny as the broken toe.  (Sorry, babe.)

I also find it funny when people fall down (after making sure that they are ok, of course!).  I might have serious issues.  I still giggle when I think of Mark testing out Alex's new scooter last summer, crashing it at the end of our driveway, and landing on his shoulder in the grass by the mailbox.  I really laugh when I consider how funny it was when I fell down the steps on the first night of Hanukkah back in November; I was carrying an armload of presents, which all flew up into the air as I landed on my ass on the bottom step.

Maybe I just need to set up surveillance cameras so we can catch one of these falls.  We are pretty clumsy. Bigger picture: I guess we should be thankful to have some moments of humor in our crazy, busy lives. Laughter is supposedly the best medicine, right?

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