Monday, February 3, 2014


Mondays are always long days.  I doubt there are many that would debate me on that.  My Mondays are especially long, because Andrew doesn't have school and Mark bowls in the evening.  Today, though, I had something to look forward to because Alex had a Special Olympics basketball game after school.

I challenge anyone to leave a game like this in a bad mood.  You might be cranky when you arrive, but you'll be inspired before you leave (same goes for Miracle League baseball, but I'm sure I'll post about that after baseball season begins...).  It doesn't matter if your kid's team wins (by chance, tonight's game ended in a tie); you'll find yourself cheering for every kid on the court.  It's all about watching them light up when they get the ball, dribble down the court, or make a shot.  They all get that look of wonder, pride, and happiness, and it is amazing.  You can't help but feeling proud of all of the players, even if it's the first time you've seen them.  It's quite an experience.

Watching my Alex run up and down the court, his little legs working so hard, is awesome.  He loves basketball, and his enthusiasm shines through as he keeps up with all the bigger kids.  He can't run without grinning from ear to ear, and seeing him able to dribble the ball clear down the court is fantastic (especially since the kid didn't walk until he was almost two years old, and still has minor gross motor issues).  Although Al is still a bit too short to score many baskets, he still takes his shots (and gets quite a reaction from the crowd!); in a couple of years, he'll have that down, too.

For now, though, he seems content to just be out on the court, playing his beloved game of basketball.  And I'm happy to be the mom in the crowd holding her breath and fighting back tears, every time he touches that ball.

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