Wednesday, February 12, 2014


Changes in routine are never easy.  I am very used to juggling everyone's schedules around my own, so I figured that adding another task to my daily schedule would not have much of an impact.  I was wrong. 

I am very much enjoying my new job; everything has come together and is running fairly smoothly, logistics-wise (even with all the snow days!).  I never expected to be so tired, though! 

Today was a hectic day, with work, picking up kids, speech therapy for Al at a new clinic, and then church.  We arrived home after 8:30pm, with Valentines to finish, and I have an AVON order to sort and then an assignment from another project to finish.  (Note how I'm still posting a blog, though...that, my friends, is dedication!)

Because it's almost 10pm, and I have a considerable amount of work to do tonight, this entry will have to be cut short.  Hopefully, tomorrow will be less hectic; somehow, though, I doubt it.

Anyone else hear the circus music?  Just me?  Ok, then. 

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