Friday, January 31, 2014


In case you haven't noticed, I've blogged every day for a month now.  Yay, me!  I am 8.3% finished with my goal to blog every day for a year.  I hope you've found some of it interesting.  At least I haven't resorted to posting my grocery list yet.

I've read that it takes something like three weeks to form a new habit.  If that is true, then the rest of the year should be pretty easy.  We'll see how it goes.  Hey, as long as the kids continue in their zany antics, I should have plenty of thoughts to share.

I've gone farther with my writing goal than I have my other goals.  I am still trying to get to the gym a few times a week, but the weather makes it difficult (no school means no gym, as they do not have childcare there).  I started a water challenge a couple of weeks ago (I have to drink a certain amount of water, based on my weight), and I started off really strong but I've gotten wrapped up in other things this week and kind of fell off the wagon (or water cooler?).  With any luck, as we begin a new month tomorrow I can refocus and get back on track with these objectives.

And look at that.  Even if the kids don't do anything remotely noteworthy, I can regale you with more stories of my gym and water drinking adventures.  Definitely stay tuned for those entries, right?  ;)

Happy weekend.

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