Saturday, January 18, 2014


As I sit here, on the sofa, on a cold and snowy Saturday night, I couldn't be more content.  I've got my warm pajamas, a fluffy blanket, and the SAG Awards.  Perfection for this tired mama duck.

I have an obsession with award shows.  The glamour of the gowns, the sparkle of the jewels, the anticipation of hearing the actors say something witty.  The awards really have no impact on my personal life, other than perhaps dictating which movies or tv shows I add to my never ending "to watch" list, or determining which celebrities I add to my Twitter feed.  I think I'm partially in awe of the over-the-top glitz, and partially envious of the profession in which the winners are being recognized.  As an introvert who wishes she was more outspoken (my husband may disagree with that last part), it amazes me that these people continuously put themselves in situations where they must be the center of attention.  The mere thought of having to walk in shoes that are not flats, down that red carpet, is enough to make me panic; I can't imagine making a career out of expecting millions of people to watch you all the time.

I am happy enough to sit on the sidelines and watch the parade of glamour, and then read all the unseen details in the following days.  As ridiculous and pointless as it may seem, it's an escape from reality that everyone so desperately needs some time or another.

My favorite awards show is the Golden Globes, because it brings the best of both screen sizes into one room.  The atmosphere seems so festive; the constant flow of champagne may have something to do with that, though.  For the Oscars, I try to catch some of the "pregame coverage" so I can get an extra long look at all the frivolous fluff that goes hand in hand with all things Hollywood.  For those few hours, I can stop worrying about the kids, the house, and all of the world problems that I am determined to solve on my own. I can sit back, in my anything-but-glamorous pajamas, and live vicariously through all of the talented individuals I watch and admire.

Some people look forward to the NFL playoffs and the Super Bowl.  I find the same excitement in hearing "...and the Golden Globe/Actor/Academy Award goes to..."

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