Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Happy New Year!

Well, did you make it?  Did you stay up to ring in 2014?  I did not.  Didn't even try.  Once two of the kids were asleep, we threw in the towel and headed to bed at 10:30pm.  I didn't even wake up at midnight, which means that none of the neighbors were shooting off the fireworks of which they are so fond every other time of year.  So, yeah, welcome 2014.

As I've mentioned, I'm not big into resolutions.  I don't see the point.  I just heard this morning that most resolutions are ditched by January 17th.  (Note to self: the gym should be back to normal by the 17th!)  I do have goals for the New Year, though, but let's not call them resolutions.  They shall be GOALS.  Less intimidating that way.

And so I give you my list of GOALS for 2014:

*Be more consistent with my diet and workout plans (ie, start diet and workout plans!)
*Be more responsible with spending (the kids do NOT need 15 pairs of pants, even if they are marked down to $2/pair, and really, nobody needs to stockpile toothpaste, unless you plan to donate it all)
*Read more (in addition to the books shared with the kids)
*Write more (blog every day, like it or not)
*Be more proactive with meal planning, grocery shopping, and cooking (this is a tough one, as I do not enjoy any of it, and I can be very lazy about it...the six cans of tomato paste in my pantry attest to that...more organization and planning will be less stressful...see second GOAL)
*Try to be still (not everything has to be done right this minute, and I don't have to say "Yes!" to everything)

Nothing to shocking here.  These are more open-ended goals, and maybe I'll even add more.  We'll see.

What goals are you making for the new year?  Share them, and we can cheer each other on!

Wishing you a day full of whatever makes it a good holiday for you.  Happy New Year!

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