Monday, January 6, 2014


I learned a new term today: Polar Vortex.  Apparently, it can best be defined as this: a rare force of nature which brings frigid temperatures, school cancellations, and many reasons for parents to beat their heads up against a wall (like we need more of those, right?).

It's barely 7pm, and I just sent the kids to bed.  I'm done, they are done, we all are frazzled and cranky because we are STILL not back to our "normal" schedule.

In the midst of this crazy cold weather, I do realize that we are fortunate enough to have a warm home, stocked kitchen, and lots of activities to do; for these I am very grateful.  I've tried all day to keep that a focus, and to think of all of those who can not be thankful for any of these, in order to keep the negative if-my-kids-don't-stop-fighting-for-two-seconds-I'm-going-to-run-away-and-join-the-circus thoughts at bay.  Instead of orchestrating grand activities that can be very overwhelming for the kids ("Hey, let's make instruments and have a parade and then make ice cream out of the little bit of snow we have in the backyard, but only after we blow bubbles out the back door and watch them freeze!"), I just kind of sat back and let them do their own thing.  They made up a play, they practiced math and spelling on the computer, they looked at their books, and built cool Lego cars.

But now, we are over it (see above).  And because school has already been canceled, we get to do it all over again tomorrow.  Joy!

Seriously, though, I will continue to be grateful for our warm shelter and full tummies, and to pray for those who may have trouble finding either, or both, of those things (and not just now, during extreme weather circumstances, but always).  Hopefully, our power will not go out (knock on wood, as I'm seeing reports via Facebook that nearby neighborhoods have been losing power throughout the day), and we can drive each other bananas tomorrow and look forward to the return of school on Wednesday.

I will now return to my blanket cocoon on the couch.

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