Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Stress Eaters Unite!

It's been a rough week.

Not necessarily this calendar week (it is only Wednesday), but I could have done without the last seven days.

I stay fairly involved in my children's schools and activities; mostly, to give back and help out when I can, but also (selfishly) to keep tabs on what might be going on.  Let's face it: if you are involved in an organization, you're bound to keep more on top of things than if you were just hanging on the edge of the action.  Volunteering is also a great way to meet new people, have adult conversations, and feel as though your world might revolve around something more than laundry and grocery shopping while the kids are off at school.  Whatever the motive, I find myself working with other adults, in various different circumstances.  Overall, it's an enjoyable experience, which is why I continue to do it.

Lately, though, it's been far from enjoyable.

I'm a realist; I know that not everything will be all sunshine and unicorns, all the time.  I understand that differences in opinion will arise.  However, I guess I just expect that when a difficult situation comes up, grown ups will act as grown ups, everything will get worked out, and we'll move on until we hit the next bump in the road.

And when that doesn't happen, I'll deal with the stress...apparently, by eating.  I'll eat chocolate.  Or donuts.  Or ice cream (I mean, seriously, have you tried the Magnum ice cream bars??  Don't bother with the minis, you'll only eat twice as many...).

I can always gauge my level of stress by the amount of crap I've eaten throughout the day...and let me tell you, the stress is off the charts right now.  When I stop to ponder it, it's embarrassing to think of what I've thrown down my gullet in the last week.  I can't even admit to it on my own blog.

Everyone has a vice, though, right?  Glass of wine, new shoes, manicure; all great ways to deal with stress.  But, those all take a little more effort than pulling through a drive through and snagging a donut after a particularly stressful phone call or email.  Ugh, no wonder my pants don't fit.

So, I guess I need some help...I need a better way to handle the stress in my life.  Unlike the cupcake sitting on my kitchen counter right now, the stress is not going to disappear anytime soon.

How do you deal with stress?  Any tips?  Want to hold me accountable for the better eating habits that I promise myself I'll keep every day when I get out of bed?

I'm listening...but speak up, because these potato chips are pretty crunchy.

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