Sunday, February 10, 2013

You never know what will come out of his mouth...

My youngest son is just too funny.  He has been blessed with a dry, witty, unintentional sense of humor; this will probably get him in trouble at some point, but it should serve him well as an adult.  He can also be super funny without even trying, and those are probably some of my most favorite moments.

Some of his antics are somewhat peculiar; naming his peepee (as I call it...we're very technical around here!) William, for example.  It's not unusual, I've been told, for men to name their genitalia.  But, to do it at only three years old?  It made me raise an eyebrow, for sure.  I've decided that it just shows how creative his little mind is.

William doesn't get mentioned too often, but when he does, it's definitely a memorable moment.

My little guy just started a new school this past week, and was already invited to a birthday party.  He was very excited; he easily makes new friends, and what child doesn't want to go celebrate a birthday?  I was happy to see him bouncing around the party, talking with all the kids.  Inevitably, he needed a drink of water, so I tailed him out to the water fountain.  He's four now, and I want him to have a sense of independence, so I hung back a bit while he stood in line behind another boy at the fountain.  I overheard a cheerful exchange, started by my kiddo with a simple introduction, then a "What's your name?"  The other child answered: "William".  My ears perked up a bit.  "OH!  William?!?  That's my peepee's name!"


I hurried down the short hallway to the water fountain and immediately broke up the conversation before it could progress into a more descriptive explanation, swiftly changed the subject, and before too long we had returned to the birthday party...where I proceeded to text my husband, mom, and sister with the story and laugh to myself for the next hour.

It's not the first awkward moment, and it won't be the last.  I can't wait to tell him this story...maybe on his graduation day, or perhaps his wedding.  ;)

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