Tuesday, January 2, 2018

New Year, New Goals

So, this is 2018. It seems fairly similar to what we left behind in 2017, but yeah, it's still pretty early. I won't write it off just yet, so no worries there.

As many of us do, I set some goals for this year but historically I'm not great with following through on resolutions. This year, though, I'm determined to stick to some fairly simple goals.

1. Stop eating like an unsupervised 12 year old
I am a stress eater; I own that 100%. Sometimes, I make really bad food choices (like the chocolate cake and mimosa I had before noon today). Too often, I tell myself that eating junk is ok because I need a release from all the stress and shenanigans I routinely face. But, that has resulted in ridiculous habits that just need to end. So, after seeing a bazillion commercials over Winter Break for Weight Watchers, I decided to sign up again. I've had great success with their plan in the past; it seems that I really need that visual point system to keep myself in check. Plus, apparently Oprah will now be my BFF and bring me tacos! Cool, right? Seriously, though, this is more about just losing weight; it's about feeling better about myself and finding other ways to deal with stress. Wish me luck!

2. Drink more water
If you know me at all, you know how I treasure my coffee. My coffee obsession (perhaps I should just say "caffeine obsession") has also become extreme, and I find that some days I fall terribly short of the recommended daily consumption of water. This year, I'm hoping to fix that. I have a giant two liter water bottle (it's all cute and turquoise!) to help me; again, I need that visual reminder! As an added bonus, this goal should help me with the first item on my list. If you can't find me this year, I'm probably in the bathroom trying not to pee my pants. (Hey, this is a legit concern if I really plan on drinking all this water!!)

3. Be more organized
Blah, blah, blah...isn't this goal on everyone's list? Maybe so. All I know is that too often, I find myself scrambling because I can't find a paper I need, or the kids' lunch cards need reloaded, or no one has clean underwear for the next day. I figure that a little extra planning ahead might remedy some of this. And, again, as an added bonus, more organization should keep me from stuffing my face with junk. (A girl can dream, anyway...)

4. Write more
I enjoy writing, and I'm told that my family has quite a story to share. I often forego my writing time in favor of just about anything else. In 2018, I'm hoping to change that. I also decided in 2017 to write that book that's been on my mind, but since then, I haven't really worked on it (other than drafting an outline and devoting many of my anxious, late night freak outs to it). We'll see what happens.

5. Keep working on kindness
There are always opportunities to be kind, teach kindness, and appreciate kind acts. This is something everyone can strive for, every day. I'll keep trying if you will.

I could probably add more to this list, but I'll stop here. What are you working on in 2018?

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