Friday, March 7, 2014


Wow.  It's been a long week.

It wasn't necessarily a bad week, just long and trying.  We've added a couple new things to our after-school schedule, and that has thrown us for a loop, I guess.  When you throw cabin fever in there, it takes a toll. I anticipate that next week will also feel like it will never end, because of the time change (Daylight Savings is evil, I don't care what you say) and the testing the kids will have at school.  I'm hoping the moon won't also be full.  I'm exhausted just thinking about it.

I was excited for today to be Friday, even though we just got home after a full day.  Having warm-ish weather and sunshine today, and knowing that we don't have to get up early tomorrow morning, made it easier to reach the finish line of this long week.  We spent a little bit of time outside after school, which was terrific; the kids and the dog got to expend some of their cooped up energy, which is something we've missed doing the last couple of months.  Hopefully they will all sleep well tonight!

Even though it felt like the week would never end, I'm thankful for our full schedules.  It means that we are fortunate and blessed.  Al now has therapy two days a week after school, and the kids all have dance classes.  Pretty soon, Al will start track and field practice for Special Olympics, as well as Miracle League baseball, and Andrew's t-ball season will gear up in April.  Having such full schedules means that we are healthy and able to keep up with it.  I won't complain.

Well, not too much.

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