Sunday, March 9, 2014


Birthdays are a big deal in my family.

We like to get together and celebrate, even if it's just a made up occasion.  Well before my husband and I were married, he would joke that my family gets together for dinner if someone gets a hangnail (he's used to it by now, so no worries, ha!). We all have very busy schedules, so it's nice to gather together to share a meal and lots of laughs.  Birthdays are a great excuse to do just that.

Today, we celebrated my mom's birthday.  We gathered at my parents' house, after church, for lunch (and of course cake and ice cream!).  It was low-key, yet festive all the same.  The kids love getting together to play; all six grandkids, ages 10 and younger, were there.  It was loud and fun, and they should all sleep well tonight.

I tend to take a lot of pictures at these gatherings; after all, the kids will never again be exactly the way they were at the moment the photo was snapped.  The next time we meet for a birthday, or even just a random family dinner, they will be a little taller, a little older, a bit more wise.  I want to try and remember how each of my kids, as well as my nephew and nieces, were today, and every time we get together as a family.

I hope that we'll fondly look back at the photos some day, laughing and remembering.  I know that I love to look back through old photos, so maybe the kids will also enjoy doing that when they are older.  If they will, I'll be ready.  I've done my best in capturing all their funny and/or cute moments, so they will have many, many photos to flip through when they are my age and looking back on their childhood.

That is, if I remember to get them off my camera, print them, and organize them.  It may be easier to just hand them the old phone, eh?

Memories are memories, either way.  Have a great week, friends.

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