Wednesday, October 1, 2014


It's no secret that our schedules are nuts around here. The kids are fortunate in that they can participate in lots of activities, and Mark and I also have at least one "night out" where we can get a break. Our schedules are quite opposite these days, but he and I both need the break away from the chaos.

Right now, my break falls on Wednesday nights, when I attend a bible study class at my church. Not only is it a chance for my to expand my understanding of my religion, but it is also time for me to sit and catch my breath. I can listen to and participate in conversations with friends, without being asked for more chocolate milk, or breaking up a fight, or telling someone to get away from the dog. It's lovely.

I leave with a feeling of peace, and although it's a fleeting moment (as I'm all too soon back to filling cups of chocolate milk and yelling about the dog), it gets me through to Sundays, when I can once again sit quietly and enjoy the peace.

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