Thursday, June 6, 2013

Working Girl

Get me: I'm bringing home the bacon.

Ok, I'm only bringing home some bacon, a few slices at best, but a paycheck is a paycheck.

I have been fortunate enough to do some contract work over the last few months; I never realized how much I enjoyed working in an office until I recently returned to one.  Of course, it's much different now: I can work around the kids' schedule, and I don't have to go every day.  I'm guessing that if I had to work a strict 8am-5pm shift every Monday-Friday, I'd be singing a different tune.  For now, though, I'm just going to appreciate it.

I also love being able to financially contribute to our household.  Don't get me wrong; if we put a price tag on all the tasks I do for the kids and house, it would be mind boggling.  But, the harsh reality is that I don't receive a paycheck for those duties (unless you consider the money we save in daycare as "income").  I am positively giddy when I see an amount of money in our bank account that I earned and contributed.  It seems like such a small thing, I'm sure, but when the house is constantly a wreck and the kids aren't listening, even $10 seems like a million.  I succeeded in earning that, whereas I usually feel like I'm failing in one way or another with the kids and/or the house.

Today, being the second full day of the kids' summer break, I was especially excited to go to work.  I love my kids to the moon and back, but I was totally ready to escape to the office for a while. My parents graciously agreed to watch the kids this afternoon; not only do the kids love spending time with them, but not having to pay for child care is always a bonus.  I got to sit and work uninterrupted for several hours, then I was able to go with my hubby for a happy hour.  I don't remember the last time we went for happy hour right after work!  It was lovely.

Working outside of the house has definitely reminded me of how difficult it would be to juggle full time hours, plus all of the kids' activities, as well as all the household tasks.  I know there are parents that do it, and I have complete admiration for them.  Bravo!

I probably still have a couple more years before returning as a member of the full time workforce, and I need to appreciate the opportunity to stay home with the kids while they are still young.  I'm sure that in several years I'll be wishing the opposite, so I will be more careful to not wish away this precious time.

I totally should have never used that bacon I totally want some bacon...

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